Overwatch 2 launched earlier this month and has already reached an impressive milestone. Blizzard announced this Friday that the game reached 25 million players in just 10 days. The company also said in a press release that Overwatch 2 outperformed the first game, and while it didn't give exact numbers, the number was said to be three times higher than its predecessor.
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) October 14, 2022
Thank you to the 25 Million Players who have now jumped into #Overwatch2 with us 💙🧡 pic.twitter.com/2ESBr5Shmk
The milestone came after a rocky launch, marred by server crashes, DDoS attacks, and a series of bugs that even led to the temporary removal of heroes like Bastion and Torbjörn. Now the servers are stable -most of them- and players have been able to give Overwatch 2 a try. Despite this, the development team continues to work on tweaking the game.
In a curious fact, Blizzard revealed that the new heroine Kiriko is a hit with players. Her Kitsune Rush skill was used over 2 million times in the first week.
And because of the "enduring support" Blizzard also announced that players will receive special bonuses. Players who log into the game from October 25 to December 6 will receive the Cursed Captain Reaper legendary skin and a Health Pack weapon charm for free. Overwatch 2 will also have double XP weekends on October 21-24, October 28-31, and November 24-28.